Services Offered

I am an experienced writer with a background in academic writing, blog posts, copywriting, interviews, and news articles. I specialize in original, well-researched, creative, and unique copy that speaks in the audience's voice. I write blog posts that can drive traffic to your website and convert visitors to customers. I have written about popular culture, home improvement, education consulting, music, and many more diverse topics. Get in touch and let me know what you need.

A well-edited document will make your writing shine, whether you need a style edit for an academic manuscript or someone to look over your About Me blurb for your website. I have experience in technical, style, correlation, and substantive editing, as well as academic copyediting. I offer light proofreading and heavy edits for improving clarity and logic.

I offer research and consulting assistance for various types of writing projects. I can provide style guide assistance for documents that must adhere to The Chicago Manual of Style, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, the Modern Language Association Style Manual, or the Associated Press Stylebook. I have more than 20 years of experience conducting research for academic documents and news articles.

My rate for original writing is $.50 per word. New clients are asked for a 50 percent deposit before the first article is written. If you're interested in hiring me on retainer for multiple articles a month, a discounted rate is available. Don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss pricing.
My rate for editing is $50 per hour. New clients are asked for a deposit depending on the length and how involved the project will be. On average, I edit four pages (or 1000 words) an hour. A page is defined as 250 words with 1-inch margins, double-spaced, in 12-point font. Don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss pricing.
My rate for research and consulting is $50 per hour. New clients are asked for a deposit depending on the number of sources needed and the estimated time of the project. Don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss pricing.
Are you ready to hire a professional writer and editor? Reach out today and let me know what you need.